Blood Youth – Closure


For Blood Youth 2016 sees the release of their second EP, titled Closure. The Harrogate based quintet are a breathe of fresh air in the metal scene, offering listeners a delicious blend of hard core, alternative rock, melodic rock all laced together with a punk edge. Yet while for some new bands who delve so much into different music styles it can come across as one big mess of experimentation, all these styles work together to create a unique sound for the band.

The EP starts off with the soft and hauntingly melodic track, ‘Breathe.’ Breathe is just a quick injection of the musical genius to come from Blood Youth, however. The dreamy, atmospheric track is a minority as the rest of the tracks are all straight to the point and hard hitting. For instance, the edgy ’24/7′ verges more on the hard core side of things flaring elements of attitude fuelled punk. Yet while ‘Mood Swing’ dips into hard core sounds it’s very much comprised of addictive melodies that you’d expect from alternative rock outlets such as Mallory Knox.

Whether you like them or not, there’s no denying that Blood Youth truly have a knack for song writing. Every song on their sophomore EP sounds like it’s made for the radio. That’s how cohesive and incredibly catchy they are. In particular the title track which has one standout guitar hook throughout the majority of the song that gets stuck in your head and seduces you, beckoning you for repeat listens.

I find that EPs are often hit or a miss as sometimes they’ll contain only one or two good songs that will become singles and the rest getting forgotten by fans. But every song on Closure is a gem and ones more the EP serves as a show case of both the musicianship on display here and their incredible song writing talent. The only complaint I have about the EP is that I wish it was longer! I can’t wait to see a full length album from this band one day. With the band already making appearances at well renowned festivals such as Hevyfest and Download, if they keep producing such high quality content, Blood Youth could eventually become a house hold name within their sub genre.

Track listing: 

  1. Breathe
  2. 24/7
  3. Mood Swing
  4. Closure

Label: Rude Records


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