Our Oceans posts lyric video

Our Oceans is a new band, formed by singer & guitarist Tymon Kruidenier (Exivious, ex-CYNIC). Featuring Robin Zielhorst (Exivious, ex-CYNIC) on fretless bass, Jasper Barendregt (Dodecahedron, Ulsect) on drums and Michel Nienhuis (Exivious, Dodecahedron) on additional guitars. Their music can be described as immersive, otherworldly and deeply melancholic.

The album was successfully crowd-funded and will be released November 15th 2015.


About Kenn Jensen 288 Articles
When I kicked this site off back in 2003, I had no idea that it would turn into what it has become. I am very proud of what we've done and achieved over the years. Musically I have a soft spot for 80s inspired hard rock, but my favourite music and bands are all to be found in the progressive universe these days.

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