Will o’ Wisp is the first full length progeny created by Nekrokraft. Blackened thrash metal that was forged in an old cold Swedish cellar beneath the ostrogothia soil. The album holds a brutal yet melodic aura and contains seven occult hymns that is released upon the world the 7th of November. Keeping an old-school approach without being retro, Will o´ Wisp offers both classic metal influences and attributes such as organ, choirs and folk influences that makes the story telling a central part of the album. The raw guitar oriented songwriting mixed with blast beats, melodies and Angst’s raging vocals makes Will o’ Wisp an stand out album 2016.
“Nekrokraft is epic, doom-laced Black Metal with moments of explosive brutality and speed that almost raise the hairs on the back of one’s neck.”– Suicide Scriptures Magazine
The album is recorded by Angst and Nekrokraft and is mixed by Joona Hassinen in Studio Underjord. Mastered by Tore Stjerna in Necromorbus Studio. Artwork made by Mattias Frisk. Release by The Sign Records. Nekrokraft have played festivals as Black Christmas and Motala Thrash Fest and shared stage with bands as Mayhem, Marduk, Venom, Vader, Vampire, Antichrist, Havoc and many more. The band will be touring after the release of the album.
I began my writing career in the year of 2012 due to my love for the metal community, and have since moved onto a second role as the Tech-Wiz of PoM - taking good care of our website. My favourite music genres are Progressive Metal in all its different shapes and Melodic Death Metal.
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