FESTUNG NEBELBURG is back with full force!

In spiritual mysticism

Anything but a hasty Quick-Shot is the new and second album from this extremely capable PAGAN FOLK METAL advocate of true values!

FESTUNG NEBELBURG is back with full force!

Entitled “Zwischen den Jahren” and released in the end of 2015, Bavarian multi-instrumentalist and singer Nattulv delivers a fine mixture of musical power and lyrical depth.

With the current successor to the 2007 debut album“Gabreta Hyle” presents the talented soloist his meanwhile completely unique and so far this way unheard mixture of traditional pagan topics and a quest for meaning at the present time.

“The collection of songs on “Zwischen den Jahren” is dedicated to the „Rauhnächte“, as the dark period between the years is called in parts of Bavaria. The old year has not disappeared completely and the new year has not fully begun yet.
The elderly tell that our world and the world of the dead become indistinct in these nights and that it is possible to predict the future. Dreams in these nights can confuse us, take away our breath and when one looks out of the window, the land is gloomy and foggy. Snow falls, clothes become damp and the Perchten rumble in the villages.
From distance, one may hear the yelling of the wild hunt. It is a dangerous time in which numerous strange things occur. But it is also a time which allows one to pause and to reflect.
With this album, I set myself the goal to write songs which make the atmosphere of the Rauhnächte perceivable.”
(Nattuv, December 2015)


5 / 5
(Harte Musik)

12 / 15

8,5 / 10
“It is definitely not too much to say that NATTULV is very talented multi.instrumentalist … although every song on this album is a combination of the same elements, they are so skillfully combined that none of them sounds monotonous and repeating … there is not to much artificial wisdom … this is definitely a band that knows what does it wants, knows its goal, and knows how that goal has to be reached.”
(Celtic – Slavic Webzine Serbia)

8 / 10
(Rotting Hill)

9 / 13

7,5 / 10

7,5 / 10
“… I am looking forward to what Nattulv will deliver in the upcoming records! Despite influences from some big names (especially HEIDEVOLK), “Zwischen den Jahren” can be considered as a good record that blends the Pagan Metal that we know with the character of the project and Nattulv’s vision … I can recommend this record to any Pagan Metal lover out there; you won’t be disappointed!”
(Melody Of The Soul)

7,5 / 10
“‘Zwischen den Jahren’ by FESTUNG NEBELBURG is an album for the fans of bands like HEIDEVOLK … a fine album filled with decent songs … Nattulv shows he’s able to do it all, create nice songs, sing, play the guitar, bass… Hopefully he doesn’t disappear in the mist for another 8 years, but will be back sooner with more of this nice stuff.”

7,5 / 10

“In conclusion I can assure you, that if you haven’t heard the first work of this man, not gonna give averse to this new release if you like bands like ODROERIR, MENHIR, FIMBULVET or even FALKENBACH … Pagan Black / Folk Metal in its purest form.”
(Subterraneo Heavy)

“… a work that deserves to be heard and to open your mind … what it promises is to take you to magical eras and musical paths that very little have treated and compositions that definitely in a few hearings will become addictive …”
(R1 Radio)

About Tommy Skøtt 1323 Articles
I began my writing career in the year of 2012 due to my love for the metal community, and have since moved onto a second role as the Tech-Wiz of PoM - taking good care of our website. My favourite music genres are Progressive Metal in all its different shapes and Melodic Death Metal.

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