EKTOMORF: New video clip “Aggressor” released / tour starts soon!

Hungarian neo thrash masters EKTOMORF proudly present the video clip for the title track of their current album, “Aggressor”. Just a few day and the second part of the “Aggressor” European tour will kick off! Get your tickets & back your heads!

26.10.2016 Vienna (AT) – The Bach
27.10.2016 Debrecen (HU) Shipwreck Bar
28.10.2016 Zagreb (HR) – Hard Place
30.10.2016 Brno (CZ) – Melodka
31.10.2016 Novy Jicin (CZ) – Rock Bar Ace
01.11.2016 Liberec (CZ) – Bunker
02.11.2016 Frankfurt (DE) – The Bed
03.11.2016 München (DE) – Backstage
04.11.2016 Wiesloch (DE) – Rock And Pop Club
05.11.2016 Traunstein (DE) – Metro
06.11.2016 Hannover (DE) – Mephisto
07.11.2016 Hamburg (DE) – Hafenklang
08.11.2016 Trier (DE) – Mergener Hof
09.11.2016 Sion (CH) – The Free Port
11.11.2016 Reutlingen (DE) – Franz K
12.11.2016 Oberhausen (DE) – Helvete
13.11.2016 Aachen (DE)
14.11.2016 Bremerhaven (DE) – Rock Center
15.11.2016 Dresden (DE) – Pushkin
16.11.2016 Berlin (DE) – Nuke
18.11.2016 Freiburg (DE) – Crash
19.11.2016 Pagney-Derriere-Barine (FR) – At Paulette
20.11.2016 Tannheim Egelsee (DE) – Club Black Eagle
22.11.2016 Doncaster (CZ) – Malts
23.11.2016 Carlsbad (CZ) – Slash Bar
24.11.2016 Straßkirchen (DE) – Plutonium Klub
25.11.2016 Budweis (CZ) – Dead End Festival
26.11.2016 Bayreuth (DE) – Winter Invasion Festival




About Tommy Skøtt 1323 Articles
I began my writing career in the year of 2012 due to my love for the metal community, and have since moved onto a second role as the Tech-Wiz of PoM - taking good care of our website. My favourite music genres are Progressive Metal in all its different shapes and Melodic Death Metal.

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