Interview with Jasun Tipton of Abnormal Thought Patterns


Q: What made you decide to move on from Zero Hour?

Jasun: Troy had the ulnar nerve entrapment-sub-muscular surgery performed on his left arm in December of 2007. Troy has had a very difficult time gaining strength back into his left bicep muscle. In Zero Hour Troy played a lot legato/tapping sequences that are no longer possible. I couldn’t see carrying on without Troy. He’s a huge part of Zero Hour and I couldn’t see anyone else playing bass in ZH. Troy now works around the problem with Abnormal Thought Patterns. He phrases differently and plays sequences that his left arm can handle. People who caught us live (with ATP) would come up to me saying Troy sounds amazing and he looks to be cured. The reality is that’s very far from the truth.

Q: You have Cynthesis and Abnormal Thought Patterns now. Why did you feel the need for 2 projects?

Jasun: Once we knew Troy was going to need the surgery, I decided to buy a protools system and continue writing material. Troy was going to need a lot of rehabilitation and recovery time from the surgery. In the timeframe of 2008 to 2011 I wrote and recorded 3 albums of material (vocals) and a full-length of instrumental material. This was my therapy as I didn’t know what the future would hold for Troy, Zero Hour and myself.

Q: How would you categorize ATP? Instrumental progressive metal seems like a broad term nowadays!

Jasun: The instrumental material we play is Progressive and Heavy. We play compositions that incorporate odd-time signatures, polyrhythms, dynamic changes and so on. You have a ton of freedom writing Progressive Music and the genre is forever growing.

Q: With the success of bands like Animals As Leaders and Scale The Summit, what would it take for ATP to achieve the same success?

Jasun: Touring with some well known bands in the genre would be a huge help. We’d love to go out and play live with BTBAM, Animals As Leaders, Meshuggah, Dream Theater, Tesseract, Periphery, Scale The Summit, ect. We’re very proud of “Altered States of Consciousness” and we’ll do whatever we can do to push it. We’ll need some help along the way and are hopeful that something can come together.

Q: What’s next? ATP on tour? A new Cynthesis album?

Jasun: Abnormal Thought Patterns is confirmed and excited to play PROGPOWER EUROPE in October of 2015. We will be adding more dates soon. We’ll have 3 music videos coming together soon to help support “Altered States of Consciousness”. Abnormal Thought Patterns is our priority and we’re looking forward to pushing the release as best we can with Lifeforce Records. Vocals are being recorded at the moment for the 3rd Cynthesis release. That release will come out in 2016.

Q: Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions!

Jasun: No problem, Rob and appreciate you spreading the word man.

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