Album Reviews

Derdian – Revolution Era

1st June 2016 Reinier de Vries

Derdian is a typical Italian symphonic power metal band with Rhapsody as main influence. There are many bands that sound a bit the same and I can not say that Derdian has anything original in [Read »]

Album Reviews

Mortillery – Shapeshifter

26th May 2016 Reinier de Vries

Mix Iron Maiden melodies, chaotic parts Death Angel style, screaming aggressive Nuclear Assault sounding vocals, the brutality of Exciter and Slayer thrash assaults and you have something like Mortillery. Besides Iron Maiden on speed also [Read »]

Album Reviews

Rezet – Reality Is A Lie

24th May 2016 Reinier de Vries

Death Angel, Flotsam & Jetsam, Suicidal Angels, Destruction, Warfect, Paradox, After All, Assassin and now this German band Rezet. That’s a hell of a lot of thrash in 2 months…. Not one of them isn’t worth [Read »]

Album Reviews

Assassin – Combat Cathedral

18th May 2016 Reinier de Vries

This German band is most famous for the cult album “The Upcoming Terror” and “Interstellar Experience”. In 2005 and 2011 other releases followed, but didn’t break any legs in the thrash scene. In a period [Read »]

Album Reviews

Warfect – Scavengers

11th May 2016 Reinier de Vries

Warfect were founded 2003 in Uddevalla, Sweden under a different name. This is their third full length release. Fans of thrash have a perfect spring and summer coming up. With releases of leaders in the [Read »]