Album Reviews

Nervochaos – Nyctophilia

14th April 2017 Reinier de Vries

When I found a bunch of cd’s in the mail, sent by one of my review colleagues, this album of Nervochaos wasn’t the first that I payed attention to. The dark blue-ish cover artwork with [Read »]

Album Reviews

Infernäl Mäjesty – No God

13th April 2017 Reinier de Vries

Besides Razor and Annihilator, the other rather famous eighties Canadian thrash band is Infernäl Mäjesty. Their first album, None Shall Defy, is a real cult classic, and the follow up, Unholier Than Thou, is also [Read »]

Album Reviews

Harlott – Extinction

6th April 2017 Reinier de Vries

These are some fine months for old school thrash fans, or should I say for the new wave of thrash fans. After Havok and Warbringer,  it is time for Australia’s Harlott’s new album. These guys [Read »]

Album Reviews

Obituary – Obituary

17th March 2017 Reinier de Vries

A new Obituary album is like a cold beer on a hot summer’s day. You are looking forward to it with thirst, you know exactly what to expect, and it never disappoints. From the first tune [Read »]

Album Reviews

Cellador – Off the Grid

11th March 2017 Reinier de Vries

Off the Grid is Cellador’s 2nd full length album. In 2011 the band released an EP, but now finally there is a new release. Like on their 2006 debut Enter Deception, their style is still fast thundering melodic [Read »]

Album Reviews

Havok – Conformicide

8th March 2017 Reinier de Vries

Yeah, the new Havok album! In my opinion, Havok, together with Warbringer, Harlott, and Suicidal Angels is one of the new thrash bands that can compete with the old school eighties bands like Testament, Slayer, [Read »]