Album Reviews

Martyrion – Our Dystopia

26th August 2016 Markus Falkenberg

Death Metal meets Fallout. Sounds simple, right? And yes, their idea to place their music in an obviously fictive post-apocalyptic future sounds like a gimmick, but why not? It is not as if they were [Read »]

Album Reviews

Enigma – Stars Misaligned

22nd July 2016 Markus Falkenberg

Many fans would likely agree that Melodic Technical Death Metal is one of the most challenging sub-genres for any Metal band. You want the growling, you want melody, you want to show off with your [Read »]

Album Reviews

J.B.O. – 11

1st July 2016 Markus Falkenberg

I have no idea how much Metal fans outside of Germany know about J.B.O., but over here many people perceive them as a kind of German “Tenacious D”, or maybe as a (only slightly) tamer [Read »]

No Picture

We Are All Out There To Live

19th June 2016

Most of our readers are likely not all that much into pop music, but there is still a shared bond between all dedicated fans and all dedicated musicians. We go to clubs, we are out [Read »]

Album Reviews

D.A.M – Premonitions

15th June 2016 Markus Falkenberg

Melodic Death Metal is definitely one of the trickier Metal subgenres. There is supposed to be some form of melody that is not too well hidden and there is supposed to be Death Metal. Two [Read »]

Album Reviews

Statement – Heaven Will Burn

11th June 2016 Markus Falkenberg

Statement’s “Heaven Will Burn” walks the line between Hard Rock and Heavy Metal. That is its strength and its weakness, because it will likely neither make Hard Rock fans, nor Heavy Metal fans truly happy. [Read »]