Album Reviews

Vinterblot – Realms Of The Untold

26th March 2016 Liam Savage

The whole Viking metal scene has really swelled into a large pool of talent in the last decade.  Front-runners like Amon Amarth have stayed tried-and-true in their quest for a vision that is more about [Read »]

Album Reviews

Vanir – Aldar Rök

26th February 2016 Thomas Nielsen

This is an album that has grown constantly on me. Where Danish folk/death metal/slightly black metal outfit from the outset have been following in the footsteps of their countrymen in Svartsot, this their fourth release [Read »]

Album Reviews

Vesperia – The Iron Tempests EP

15th July 2015 Sophie Ruhnke

When I read the words “Epic Metal”, my mind creates a whole movie soundtrack. There is a big orchestra playing… well, epic melodies, and I imagine massive fight scenes involving vikings, knights and something like that. And [Read »]