Album Reviews

Third Ion – Biolith

27th July 2016 Liam Savage

I remember when I got the opportunity to review this album, I jumped at the chance.  I mean, it’s not every day you hear about a metal band that boasts an impressive resume of former [Read »]

Album Reviews

Pressure Points – False Lights

5th July 2016 Liam Savage

Every now and then, a band comes along that restores your faith in the art of musical creation.  With certain bands lacking a creative drive for excellence, it’s easy to get jaded as a music [Read »]

Album Reviews

Withem – The Unforgiving Road

25th June 2016 Kenn Jensen

A couple of progressive bands have begun to appear on the Frontiers Records roster: Circus Maximus and now another Norwegian band: Withem. They kicked off their career in 2013 with “The Point of You”, which [Read »]

Album Reviews

What Escapes Me – Egress Point

6th June 2016 Liam Savage

Hailing from Kolkata, India, What Escapes Me have issued their debut (and self-financed) release “Egress Point” to the masses to delve into. With the opening song “Coalesce”, we’re treated to a nice mid-paced guitar sound [Read »]

Album Reviews

Mabachus – Petroglyph

12th May 2016 Liam Savage

My first foray into Mabachus came with late 2012’s “The Great Culling”.  What immediately struck me about the Toronto quartet was their willingness to take chances and make something that wasn’t defined by a predominate [Read »]

Album Reviews

Universal Mind Project – The Jaguar Priest

29th April 2016 Kenn Jensen

Universal Mind Project was founded in 2012 by American guitarist and composer Michael Alexander, and it is a collaborative project between musicians from all around the globe. Musically, solid founded in progressive metal, combined with melodic [Read »]