Album Reviews

Soilwork – Death Resonance

25th August 2016 Wade Reitz

Soilwork has been around for a long time. I had not realized how long until I received their latest album, Death Resonance, for review. Formed in late 1995 by Björn “Speed” Strid and Peter Wichers, [Read »]

Album Reviews

Carnifex – Slow Death

6th August 2016 Wade Reitz

Deathcore has been a much-maligned genre in metal for quite some time. So much, that some bands who have been aligned with the genre have either rejected the label (The Acacia Strain), changed styles to [Read »]

Album of the Month

Textures – Phenotype

27th January 2016 Wade Reitz

Science was never one of my strongest classes in school. I was not an idiot, but I was not a star either. Like most people, different topics would catch my interest and I would excel, [Read »]