Album Reviews

Destrage – A Means To No End

22nd October 2016 Liam Savage

Destrage for me are one of those few bands where you can say they’re doing their own thing.  Sure, there’s some people that will point to certain aspects of the group’s sound and compare certain [Read »]

Album Reviews

Nothgard – The Sinner’s Sake

21st October 2016 Haydee G.

The four-piece German melodic death metal act, Nothgard, has had three full-length albums since their seven years of inception. I first came across their very first release, “Warhorns of Midgard” a little over three years [Read »]

Album of the Month

Anciients – Voice Of The Void

17th October 2016 Liam Savage

I first heard Anciients about two years ago, which is about a year after their debut album “Heart Of Oak” was released.  The band and album did what rarely happens with me, and that’s start [Read »]

Album Reviews

An Endless Sporadic – Magic Machine

28th September 2016 Liam Savage

I’m the type of music fan who’s a sucker for great instrumental music.  I crave something that stands out, something that draws in your attention through ability and talent.  For those in the know about [Read »]

Album Reviews

Excellion – Unsean

21st September 2016 Liam Savage

Let’s be honest, Mexico probably isn’t probably even in the top ten of countries that comes to mind when thinking about progressive and technical metal.  I’m drawing a blank on the whole subject as I [Read »]

Album Reviews

Myrkur – Mausoleum

15th August 2016 Liam Savage

The name Myrkur has stirred up positive or negative reactions depending on who you talk to.  The positives focus on Amalie Brunn’s project as a different take on black metal with newfound respect in breaking [Read »]