Album Reviews

The Treatment – Generation Me

24th April 2016 Thomas Nielsen

The thing about reviewing music, even if it’s just a hobby, is that you’re exposed to so much of it. This site receives so many releases every week, both from labels, promotional companies and bands [Read »]

Album Reviews

Blood Red Saints – Speedway

21st December 2015 Matt Fabi

I have no idea why they called this album ‘Speedway’. Almost every song is a ballad. The pace has nothing about it that could even be remotely linked to that title as far as I [Read »]

Album Reviews

The V – Now or Never

14th August 2015 Kenn Jensen

Hiding behind the moniker The V is Veronica Freeman, of Benedictum fame. “Now or Never” is her first solo album and she is taking a different direction with this album than we are usually familiar [Read »]