Album Reviews

Once Human – Evolution

31st December 2016 Thomas Nielsen

Since he left Machine Head a million years ago, Logan Mader has paid his music business dues in Soulfly, Stereo Black and now Once Human, and by having produced, mixed and mastered a long list of great [Read »]

Album Reviews

Disquiet – The Condemnation

27th January 2016 Reinier de Vries

  I am always a bit proud when a Dutch band delivers such a good album. You perhaps think that I’m chauvinistic here, but I can assure you I’m not. This is just how modern thrash should sound [Read »]

Album Reviews

My Hollow – On Borrowed Time

9th July 2015 Wade Reitz

Surprises can be surprisingly good and surprisingly bad. I always prefer a “Surprise! You won!” versus a “Surprise! You’re fired!” The other day when I was looking through the list of promos to check out, [Read »]