Album Reviews

Riverside – Eye of the Soundscape

16th October 2016 Kenn Jensen

“Eye of the Soundscape” is a homage to the late Piotr Grudziński, who passed away February 21st 2016 and threw Riverside into bewilderment and despair… would the be band continue after the tragic loss of [Read »]

Album Reviews

An Endless Sporadic – Magic Machine

28th September 2016 Liam Savage

I’m the type of music fan who’s a sucker for great instrumental music.  I crave something that stands out, something that draws in your attention through ability and talent.  For those in the know about [Read »]

Album Reviews

Glowsun – Beyond the Wall of Time

21st June 2015 James

Glowsun is an instrumental psychedelic band from Lille, France. They’re set to release their album “Beyond the Wall of Time” on the 26th of June. Something that caught my attention is that they really, really like [Read »]