Album Reviews

Nothgard – The Sinner’s Sake

21st October 2016 Haydee G.

The four-piece German melodic death metal act, Nothgard, has had three full-length albums since their seven years of inception. I first came across their very first release, “Warhorns of Midgard” a little over three years [Read »]

Album Reviews

Burden Of Life – In Cycles

24th June 2016 Thomas Nielsen

Skimming the first couple of lines of the promo letter from Noizgate Records, it mentions melodic death metal. Righto, I can certainly appreciate that. Now, my surprise was big when I threw the disc into [Read »]

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Album Reviews

Rage – The Devil Strikes Again

7th June 2016 Haydee G.

Looking at the new line-up of Rage has made me skeptical about “The Devils Strike Again“. I mean, the new members have big shoes to fill. They are essentially replacing a couple of legendary drummers [Read »]