Album Reviews

Thrawsunblat – Metachthonia

13th July 2016 Liam Savage

One can’t listen to Thrawsunblat without recognizing the importance of the background of this group.  Historically, the band was forged by Woods Of Ypres founder David Gold (R.I.P.) and former Woods guitarist Joel Violette.  The [Read »]

Album of the Month

Winterhorde – Maestro

20th April 2016 Haydee G.

I have kept my eye on Winterhorde since their highly acclaimed album “Underwater Moon” was released back in 2010. The long silence had made me wonder when they will eventually release the next one as [Read »]

Album Reviews

Placenta – XV Greatest Hits

22nd August 2015 Thomas Nielsen

I love it when the promo letters which accompany CDs include sentences like ‘So and so need no introduction’…and you have no first clue who they are. This is the case for me with German Placenta. [Read »]