Album Reviews

Riverside – Wasteland

29th September 2018 Rick Ossian

One thing I’ve always noticed about Warsaw’s Riverside: they are a bit creepy. Granted, they have some very good tunes, and they are always on my radar (though I would have to confess not purchasing [Read »]

Album Reviews

Flummox – Intellectual Hooliganism

28th September 2018 Rick Ossian

I’m not sure that I even know where to begin.  Many will not appreciate Flummox, mainly because of their eclecticism – their flexibility, and their penchant to include humor in music.  It is very difficult [Read »]

Album of the Month

Ethernity – The Human Race Extinction

25th September 2018 Rick Ossian

Following up their debut LP Obscure Illusions (2015), this outfit from Belgium was actually formed in 2000.  When listening, it is easy to discern that they have honed their chops well. Ethernity features every member [Read »]

Album Reviews

Vola – Applause of a Distant Crowd

20th September 2018 Rick Ossian

Upon hearing Copenhagen’s Vola and their latest recording, Applause of a Distant Crowd, I am reminded of many things; different musics and bands/artists, of course, but also peace – and roaring silence, mixed with violence.  [Read »]

Album of the Month

Lux Terminus – The Courage To Be

28th August 2018 Rick Ossian

A certain frame of mind needs to be entered if one is to listen to Cleveland, Ohio natives Lux Terminus.  This is actually more like embarking on a musical excursion, if you will. Prog listeners [Read »]

Album Reviews

Milk White Throat – House of Fire EP

14th August 2018 Rick Ossian

Milk White Throat are a three-piece alternative prog/punk aggregation from Brighton. After one single, Under Duress, was recorded, and some family issues dealt with, they got together to record this, their first EP.  House of [Read »]

Album Reviews

Fates Warning – Live Over Europe

13th August 2018 Rick Ossian

Long touted as the progenitors of progressive heavy metal, these stalwarts from Hartford, Connecticut have been at it since 1982.  Since then they have circumnavigated the world and ruled festival stages globally.  For the most [Read »]

Album Reviews

Distorted Harmony – A Way Out

5th August 2018 Rick Ossian

Many may know Distorted Harmony from their previous LP’s, Chain Reaction (2014) and Utopia (2012). The Tel Aviv band was formed in 2010.  Those who are in the know can tell you that this band [Read »]

Album Reviews

Piqaia – Artifact

15th July 2018 Rick Ossian

Now this is what I’m talking about!  Classic prog rock from some folks who obviously know what they are up to! Clean vocals for the most part, though they do a bit of a growl [Read »]