Album Reviews

Invictus – Burst The Curse

29th March 2019 Reinier de Vries

The German young band Invictus started somewhere in 2010 and refined their music year after year to release their first EP Burst The Curse. There are just 3 songs on it, 2 heavier tracks and a softer [Read »]

Album Reviews

Mother Of Sin – 3

16th March 2019 Reinier de Vries

Perhaps the name Mother Of Sin doesn’t ring a lot of bells, but some of our readers sure know who Eduard Hovinga is. Yes indeed, this is the vocalist on the first 3 albums of [Read »]

Album Reviews

TýR – Hel

15th March 2019 Reinier de Vries

Catchy, a word that describes their music for a very big part. Traditional folk elements, sing a long refrains combined with power metal riffs and melodic twin guitar pieces are the main ingredients again.  TýR did [Read »]

Album Reviews

Autumn – Stacking Smoke

2nd February 2019 Reinier de Vries

This is what I call promotion for a new album. Not just a link to some ‘far from album quality sounding’ mp3’s, but a real hardcopy. Included with the hardcopy, Painted Bass Records/Jbmpromotion send a [Read »]

Album Reviews

Metal Church – Damned If You Do

7th December 2018 Reinier de Vries

Metal Church carries the same difficult legacy as most of  my favorite bands, the first 3 albums are almost not to match. Slayer, Metallica, Anthrax, Exodus, Flotsam and Jetsam, Sepultura, Dream Theater, Helloween, Death, Agent [Read »]