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Massacre bands on tour

18th July 2015

ADORNED BROOD 12.-13.02.2016 DE Heidesee OT Gräbendorf – KiEZ Hölzerner See (Frostfeuernächte) ANCIENT RITES 15.08.2015 FR Saint-Nolff – Motorcultor Festival 24.10.2015 NL Roeselare – Het Kerelsplein BLOODLOST 22.07.2015 NL Tilburg – Little Devil     [Read »]

Album Reviews

Pavillon Rouge – Legio Axis Ka

16th July 2015 Thomas Nielsen

If you’re the kind of metal person who don’t like the experimentation Morbid Angel did on ‘Illud Divinum Insanus’, then move on to the next review immediately. Because the album ‘Legio Axis Ka’ by French outfit [Read »]