Album Reviews

Nothgard – The Sinner’s Sake

21st October 2016 Haydee G.

The four-piece German melodic death metal act, Nothgard, has had three full-length albums since their seven years of inception. I first came across their very first release, “Warhorns of Midgard” a little over three years [Read »]

Album Reviews

The Answer – Solas

17th October 2016 Matt Fabi

You could be forgiven to think that being a predominantly metal and heavy rock website (hence the name, duh!) we would completely and without question limit ourselves to reviewing only that type of music. Well, [Read »]

Album of the Month

Anciients – Voice Of The Void

17th October 2016 Liam Savage

I first heard Anciients about two years ago, which is about a year after their debut album “Heart Of Oak” was released.  The band and album did what rarely happens with me, and that’s start [Read »]

Album Reviews

Riverside – Eye of the Soundscape

16th October 2016 Kenn Jensen

“Eye of the Soundscape” is a homage to the late Piotr Grudziński, who passed away February 21st 2016 and threw Riverside into bewilderment and despair… would the be band continue after the tragic loss of [Read »]

Album Reviews

Tyketto – Reach

16th October 2016 Kenn Jensen

When you look back at which albums made an instant impression in 1991, many will mention Metallica’s self-titled album and Guns N’ Roses’ “Use Your Illusion I & II”, Savatage’s “Streets” or maybe Fates Warning’s [Read »]

Album Reviews

Hardline – Human Nature

15th October 2016 Kenn Jensen

In 1992 just around the time when the whole grunge music scene changed the rock and metal landscape forever, came an album that proved that there was still a vibrant and very much alive hard [Read »]

Album Reviews

Darkness – The Gasoline Solution

10th October 2016 Reinier de Vries

The underground thrash band Darkness from the Ruhr Area are back with a new album. Real die -hard old school thrash fans will know classic albums like ‘Death Squad’ (1987) and ‘Defenders of Justice'(1988). The band [Read »]

Album Reviews

Amaranthe – Maximalism

9th October 2016 Lotty Whittingham

Ever since the release of their debut album in 2011 Swedish/Danish Melodic Death Metal troupe AMARANTHE have wowed audiences with their unique infusion of Techno Pop and Heavy Metal. They are set to release their fourth [Read »]